United Methodist Women
The United Methodist Women of Grace Church are a vital part of the church and its mission outreach. There are approximately seventy active members in three circles. All three circles meet once a month (or online) and provide fellowship, education, and mission opportunities. Each circle sponsors its own mission project in addition to supporting the various mission projects of the unit.
Our unit qualifies as a UMW "Bronze Star Unit." We have a Key Person and provide support for the Baltimore Parish Work and the Board of Child Care. Our unit organizes the church-wide Blanket Drive and processes and delivers health kits to the Church World Service in New Windsor, Maryland. The Service Committee prepares funeral meals and receptions for family and friends of deceased church members. In addition, individual circles and members send cards to members and friends who are in need of our thoughts and prayers. The current UMW President is Ruth Bender.
Our unit qualifies as a UMW "Bronze Star Unit." We have a Key Person and provide support for the Baltimore Parish Work and the Board of Child Care. Our unit organizes the church-wide Blanket Drive and processes and delivers health kits to the Church World Service in New Windsor, Maryland. The Service Committee prepares funeral meals and receptions for family and friends of deceased church members. In addition, individual circles and members send cards to members and friends who are in need of our thoughts and prayers. The current UMW President is Ruth Bender.
The meeting times and mission projects of the four circles are:
- Priscilla Circle meets the first Monday of the month at 7:00 PM at the church.
- Mission project: Alpha’s Glory Crisis Pregnancy Center.
- Ann Kemper Circle meets the first Tuesday of the month at 12:00 PM at the church.
- Mission project: Smile Train.
- Sally Grant Circle meets on Facebook. They share devotions and missions projects. Check facebook.com for Sally Grant UMW Circle.
- We also have a Women's Softball Team which participates in a local league. Most of the games are played on Monday evenings during the summer months. For more information about the women's team, contact the church office and leave a message for Brittney Funk.
Upcoming Events
14th at 6:30pm: Annual Covered Dish Dinner
Bring a food item to share and enjoy some fellowship. All are invited...you don't have to be a member of the UMW or even a woman, for that matter! See you then!
14th at 6:30pm: Annual Covered Dish Dinner
Bring a food item to share and enjoy some fellowship. All are invited...you don't have to be a member of the UMW or even a woman, for that matter! See you then!