Grace Nursery School is hosted in our building and offers a Cooperative Preschool program for children who turn 3 or 4 years old before the 1st of September. Their program has offered a loving, caring environment for students since 1976.
For more information about the Grace Cooperative Preschool, please check out their website below. |
During our 9am Worship Service, infants through elementary age children are invited to be a part of our weekly Childcare Ministry! Parent/Guardians can sign their child(ren) in before worship in the classroom closest to the Sanctuary, go and enjoy worship, and then sign them out after the 9am service concludes. During that time, children will enjoy a time of supervised play together in addition to structured faith-based activities.
Created just for students in Middle and High School, our Youth of Grace group has regular gatherings to provide times to connect with each other, mentors, and most of all, with God.
All those in Middle and High School are invited to join us. Find upcoming events and contact info by clicking below. |