Worship & Livestream (with Sign Language Interpreter) Childcare Ministry 10:30am Worship & Livestream ONE Worship at 10am on 5th Sundays
In the months that have five Sundays, that 5th week we will have one worship service, in person only at 10am. Sunday School will not meet so that families can worship together. |
From January through March, we have the opportunity to provide weekly meals to the Emergency Winter Shelter hosted in Aberdeen by Harford County Hope for the Homeless Alliance. For the next 3 months we'll be collecting the food items listed on the flyer linked below to make these ongoing meals possible. |
ALTAR FLOWERS Want to sponsor altar flowers on a Sunday in honor or memory of someone? Envelopes are available at the back of the worship space. Fill out the front, enclose payment, and indicate which Sunday you hope to have your flowers displayed. Flowers can be taken home after the end of the 10:30am service on that Sunday. |
Our Sunday School class during the 9am worship service welcomes infants through elementary children. Guardians can sign their child(ren) in with our background-checked adults at the front pew of the Sanctuary at the begining of the service. Kids will move to the classroom after our opening songs and guardians can sign them out in the classroom at the end of the service.
On the 5th Sunday of the month, Sunday School will not be offered so that families can worship together.